Jul 7, 2022
When purchasing a house, can you separate mortgage facts from fiction? On this episode of the Perfect Cents Podcast, Alex & Brit take the backseat as Financial Educator Jason Fonseca & Sr. Mortgage Officer Samo Korosec debunk common mortgage myths.
They provide insights about the benefits of buying vs. renting, the ins and outs of a mortgage transaction, and the importance of working with experienced professionals in an ever-changing housing market.
To check out some of the resources highlighted in this episode visit the links below.
SAFE Credit Union's Mortgage Info: https://www.safecu.org/personal/borrow-money/home-loans
Samo's Email: Samo.Korosec@safecu.org
For a guide on general terminology in the mortgage world, visit: https://www.consumerfinance.gov/consumer-tools/mortgages/answers/key-terms/
FHA loans: https://www.hud.gov/program_offices/housing/fhahistory
VA loans: https://www.benefits.va.gov/homeloans/
USDA loans: https://eligibility.sc.egov.usda.gov/eligibility/welcomeAction.do
To register for one of SAFE's upcoming financial wellness webinars, visit: https://www.safecu.org/community/events
To contact the hosts, email us at Podcast@safecu.org
To learn more about SAFE Credit Union products and services visit: https://www.safecu.org/